Hacker News

What is the origin of the lake tank image that has become a meme? (2021)
495 points113 comments14 hours agohistory.stackexchange.com
Building Databases over a Weekend
23 points0 comments2 hours agodenormalized.io
Z-Library Helps Students to Overcome Academic Poverty, Study Finds
148 points32 comments4 hours agotorrentfreak.com
AAA – Analytical Anti-Aliasing
470 points78 comments19 hours agoblog.frost.kiwi
AlphaQubit: AI to identify errors in Quantum Computers
91 points36 comments9 hours agoblog.google
Doxx/Darkflare: DarkFlare TCPoCDN (TCP over CDN)
36 points2 comments5 hours agogithub.com
Show HN: Self-Host Next.js in Production
84 points41 comments5 hours agogithub.com
SQL, Homomorphisms and Constraint Satisfaction Problems
114 points10 comments10 hours agophilipzucker.com
How good are American roads?
171 points386 comments13 hours agoconstruction-physics.com
Bit-twiddling optimizations in Zed's Rope
91 points31 comments2 days agozed.dev
Fashion History Timeline
5 points0 comments6 days agofashionhistory.fitnyc.edu