Hacker News

You can't use your $6,299.00 Camera as a Webcam. That will be $5
130 points63 comments52 minutes agoromanzipp.com
Thoughts on a Month with Devin
92 points35 comments3 hours agoanswer.ai
Trusting clients is probably a security flaw
43 points20 comments2 hours agoliberda.nl
Issues with Color Spaces and Perceptual Brightness
49 points8 comments3 hours agojohnaustin.io
Starship Flight 7
493 points424 comments12 hours agospacex.com
No Calls
1204 points421 comments19 hours agokeygen.sh
Is the world becoming uninsurable?
179 points419 comments9 hours agocharleshughsmith.substack.com
PostgreSQL Anonymizer
27 points4 comments3 days agopostgresql-anonymizer.readthedocs.io
Some things to expect in 2025
200 points139 comments11 hours agolwn.net
Nepenthes is a tarpit to catch AI web crawlers
508 points197 comments20 hours agozadzmo.org
I ditched the algorithm for RSS
559 points230 comments21 hours agojoeyehand.com
A UC Santa Cruz professor unearthed the oldest alphabet yet
36 points6 comments4 days agouniversityofcalifornia.edu
Learn Yjs Interactively
184 points31 comments11 hours agolearn.yjs.dev
In Defence of 'Productivity Crap'
9 points3 comments4 days agonicky.bearblog.dev
Slum: The Shadow Library Uptime Monitor
64 points5 comments4 days agoopen-slum.org
Five years of React Native at Shopify
263 points147 comments3 days agoshopify.engineering
Titans: Learning to Memorize at Test Time
60 points5 comments4 days agoarxiv.org